Saturday, 9 May 2009

Europe Day - 9th of May

"Europe Day" is a celebration of Europe held annually on either 5 or 9 May due to differences between the CoE and EU. 9 May 1950 was the date of the "Schuman Declaration", the proposal to pool the French and West German coal and steel industries. This is considered a founding moment for what is now the EU and was adopted as its flag day at the Milan European Council summit in 1985. The CoE was founded on 5 May 1949 and hence chooses that date for its celebrations. It established this date in 1964 and, despite a preference for 9 May, it is still observed by some European because of the CoE's role in defending human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, whereas the Schuman declaration was merely proposing the pooling of French and German coal and steel. Furthermore, 9 May coincides with Victory Day, the end of World War II (celebrated on 8 May in western Europe), in the former Soviet Union states.
United in diversity was adopted as the European Union's motto in 2000 following an unofficial[clarification needed] process. It was selected from entries proposed by school pupils submitted to the website, and then accepted by the President of the European Parliament, Nicole Fontaine. The motto was written into the English-language version of the failed European Constitution, and now appears on official EU websites.
The motto is translated into all 23 official languages and Latin:

Bulgarian: Единни в многообразието
Czech: Jednota v rozmanitosti
Danish: Forenet i mangfoldighed
Dutch: Eenheid in verscheidenheid
English: United in diversity
Estonian: Ühinenud mitmekesisuses
Finnish: Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen
French: Unie dans la diversité
German: In Vielfalt geeint
Greek: Ενότητα στην πολυµορφία
Hungarian: Egység a sokféleségben
Irish: Aontaithe san éagsúlacht[5]
Italian: Uniti nella diversità
Latin: In varietate concordia
Latvian: Vienotība dažādībā
Lithuanian: Vienybė įvairiškume
Luxembourgish: A Villfalt gëeent
Maltese: Magħqudin fid-diversità
Polish: Jedność w różnorodności
Portuguese: Unidos na diversidade
Romanian: Unitate în diversitate
Slovak: Jednota v rozmanitosti
Slovene: Združeni v raznolikosti
Spanish: Unidos en la diversidad
Swedish: Förenade i mångfalden

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